Jean-Jules Kenfack, popularly known as “Maahlox Le Vibeur” for his stage name, is a Cameroonian rapper. His stage name comes from a homonym with the name of the medication his junior sister took to alleviate the Cancer pain she felt but unfortunately, it killed her.
Maahlox had loved music since his early days but before he released his first single, “La Bière C’est Combien Ici” (2013). Most of his songs and albums have lots of explicitly content and the “Vulgar Language” he uses, is what gives him that uniqueness and brings him popularity in the music scene. When he released his first song, it earned him an index and the boycott of several radio and television channels. Despite the boycotting, he was still able to speak to the streets, about the reality of life and how it treats several people especially in the ghetto side of the nation. He definitely achieved one of the peaks of his career with his 2016 release “Tu Montes Tu Descends” and its sulphurous music video, which portrayed a strong environment of criticism, he became the second Cameroonian rapper to surpass a million YouTube views, which created history in Cameroon.
The artist has progressed from “Dedicated rap” to “Commercial rap”, combining hip-hop sounds and codes with the sounds and rhythms of more traditional African music such as bikutsi, makossa and ndombolo. The artist denounces the injustices and abuses of power that plague Cameroonian society. He also celebrates friendship, love and solidarity.
In July 2017, Maahlox’s label, “Zone2Rap” decided to expel him. After expelling him, they decided to create a new label to start as fresh known as “FastLife”.
The artist has released several tracks which includes; “Merci”, “Tu veux enlever?”, “On ne mets pas le Coeur”, “Kokoko”, “Y’en A Marre”, “Tuer Pour Tuer” ft Pil-B, “Un Bon Plantain”, “Voici Alors La Bosse”, “Fini Avec”, “A 15 ans tu fais déja?”, and many more.
In 2018, he organized his first independent concert at the Palais des Sports in Yaoundé, Cameroon which turned out to be a historic concert as the turnout was massive. He also performs on international stages, such as the “Festivale des musiques urbaines d’Anoumabo” (FEMUA) in Côte d’ivoire and the “Festivale Africain d’Osolo” in Norway.
In January 2017, the rapper denied to participate in the Canal 2’Or award ceremony organised by the Cameroonian television channel, Canal 2. On refusing, he described it as “Pacotille” (junk). He asked the organising committee to remove his name from its nomination list. According to him, Canal 2 has used all means to tarnish his image and destroy his musical career. For years, he said he was considered as a promoter of disorder, pornography, banditry and depravity of morals.
The street lover was born on January 16th, 1990 in Yaoundé, Cameroon. He grew up in the Obili district, a place in the capital city of Cameroon. He attended high school at Lycée de Mendong, where he won the award for Best Poem of the year for two consecutive years. He suffered through his life journey but even at that, he did not give up on his dream.
Aside his music career, he created his own brand of streetwear based on what Booba the known French artist had done. He had considered that he had reached a certain level of popularity he wanted to lead other battles, create something to represent society, beyond what is shown in the media. He named his streetwear brand “M.O.U.F” which is a reference to an expression used in several of his lyrics and also the title of one of his songs.
Maahlox Le Vibeur is a committed and popular artist who in his own way tries to expose the ills of life, so people learn and shun from it. He is considered one of the leaders of rap and afro trap in Cameroon. He keeps entertaining his fans and keeping the screens active.
Delia Nyadi