The torrential rains of 8th March flooded the building, destroying most of the roof. The Minister was received by the Governor of the Centre Region, the Divisional Officer of Mfoundi and the sub-divisional Officer  of Efoulan. The damage affected three offices with broken roofs.

On Monday 11th March, the Minister of Territorial Administration, Paul Atanga Nji, ordered the immediate reconstruction of the Yaoundé 3 sub-divisional premises, which had been devastated by the rain.

Accompanied by a large delegation, the Minister of Territorial Administration, Paul Atanga Nji, visited the Yaoundé 3 sun-division in Efoulan on Monday 11th March. After surveying and assessing the damage, MINAT ordered the relevant civil protection services to rebuild the premises within 10 days.

The torrential rains of 8th March flooded the building, destroying most of the roof. The Minister was received by the Governor of the Centre Region, the Divisional Officer of Mfoundi and the sub-divisional Officer  of Efoulan. The damage affected three offices with broken roofs.

The other houses affected by the heavy rains will be repaired in collaboration with the civil protection services. For Minister Atanga Nji, repairing these houses is part of the government’s policy of helping disaster victims.

A recount on what happened on Friday 8th March, in the early hours of the evening, a heavy rain fell and that was just an introduction to the next phase it brought. After a while, the rain came with a heavy wind that destroyed a lot in several neighbourhoods in Yaoundé. Most areas didn’t have light due to the fact that the wind of Friday 8th March brought down lots of electric polls , trees fell and destroyed homes, other catastrophic events happened which really frustrated the affected population.

Delia Nyadi

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