A Grade 2 teacher at Kontsa state primary school in the Mbouda district of the West Region,Cameroon,  is currently being held by members of the Gendarmerie Nationale for allegedly sexually assaulting one of his pupils.

The 47-year-old teacher, named Tchoffo Beaujalin, allegedly assaulted the eleven-year-old girl, shaved her head and kept her hair in a bottle for mystical reasons. The man was arrested after being spotted on the night of Saturday 24th February to Sunday 25th February, accompanying the young girl after assaulting her.

The child explained that she had been assaulted by her teacher, who had intimidated her on several occasions and then bought her sweets, pork, juice and spaghetti in an attempt to convince her not to say anything to anyone about it.

“He saw me cracking walnuts and asked me for some. When I gave them to him, he left and came back a few minutes later, then urged me to follow him, promising to buy me some juice. He carried me and took me to a drinking place where he bought me some juice and bought himself three beers”, said the child, according to Actu Cameroun.

“After a while, I got worried and told him I had to go home, but he refused and bought spaghetti and pork to convince me to stay again. He then took me to a room where he started to put his fingers in my anus, promising to give me 1,000 CFA francs”,  added the child.

Beaujalin, for his part, denied the accusations but admitted to knowing the 11-year-old as his pupil. Some eyewitnesses said they had seen them together but were convinced that they had a father-daughter relationship and could never imagine any intimacy between them.

Beaujalin, after escaping the mob’s wrath, was handed over to the competent authorities.

This situation gets serious as it is an alert to parents to supervise their kids relationship with their teachers of opposite sex . Pedophiles now mask their good behaviours to achieve and satisfy their desires. Parents and kids need to be very careful.

Delia Nyadi

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