In His Excellency President Paul Biya’s end of year speech to the Nation, entering the 2024 new year, he addressed the challenges facing the country and presented the measures taken by the government to deal with them. Despite a difficult international context and internal constraints, the Head of State highlighted the resilience of the Cameroonian economy and the progress made in various key sectors.

In His Excellency President Paul Biya’s end of year speech to the Nation, entering the 2024 new year, he addressed the challenges facing the country and presented the measures taken by the government to deal with them. Despite a difficult international context and internal constraints, the Head of State highlighted the resilience of the Cameroonian economy and the progress made in various key sectors.

Faced with an international context marked by the war in Eastern Europe and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Cameroon has been impacted by disruptions to supply circuits and an increase in the price of foodstuffs and energy resources. However, the Head of State assured the population that the government has continued to meet these challenges, by putting in place measures to support consumption in order to keep inflation under control.

On the economic front, Cameroon has recorded an estimated growth rate of 3.9% in 2023, thanks to the performance of the non-oil sector. The government has also launched major infrastructure projects, such as the drinking water supply project for the city of Yaoundé and work to upgrade drinking water production stations in several secondary towns. Progress has also been made in the electricity sector, with the installation of solar panels and the forthcoming commissioning of the Nachtigal dam.

The speech also focused on improving critical areas such as water and power cuts, as well as road infrastructure. The government is committed to speeding up administrative procedures and the search for funding to resolve these problems.

In terms of road infrastructure, Cameroon has made significant progress, with more than 700 kilometres of roads asphalted or rehabilitated throughout the country over the past year. New roads are being built and rehabilitated, helping to facilitate travel and stimulate economic development in the regions concerned.

The Head of State’s address to the nation testifies to his determination to work for the well-being of the Cameroonian people despite the challenges they face. The measures taken by the government are aimed at strengthening the country’s economic resilience, improving the living conditions of its citizens and promoting sustainable development.

The population is thus encouraged to remain united and to continue its efforts for the progress and emergence of Cameroon.

Delia Nyadi

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