Renowned Cameroonian comedian and actor, Dieudonné Fouda, recently kicked the bucket on Tuesday 09th January 2024. This great man used to be a travelling companion to popular actor and Comedian, late Jean-Miché Kankan. Circumstances surrounding his death has been disclosed as a result of ill health.
The renowned actor had played many roles in the sketches of the late Jean-Miché Kankan, which could include him playing either as a Commissioner, Doctor or some other roles.
Late Dieudonné was as well a TV Presenter of the show “Stars en Herbe” on the National tv station, CRTV, in the years 1986 and 1987. He was able to combine Cinema and Journalism. His creativity remains a great lesson for the generations of comedians in the 20th century. He will forever be remembered in the history of theatre for his roles as a police commissioner, a doctor alongside the much-missed Jean Miché Kankan and his other colleagues in the comedy sector. It was a time when people could laugh at leisure, despite the vicissitudes of life. The roles played by René Dieudonné Fouda allowed Jean Miché Kankan to denounce the lack of conscience and commitment of civil servants to serving users. This humour was a premonition of what Cameroon endures today.
May the soul of the Cameroonian legend rest in peace.
Delia Nyadi