The municipality of Tiko has received 130 million FCFA to build a bridge at the Likomba roundabout in phase 1, which will link the Catholic Church to the Likomba market. This area has been a hot spot for accidents.

The Ministry of Public Works has allocated a total of 520 million FCFA to the communes of the South-West region for the rehabilitation of roads and the construction of bridges, with the aim of improving the region’s road infrastructure.

The beneficiary districts are Kupe Manenguba, Lebialem and Fako.

The Fako district will receive 260 million FCFA.

The communes of Tiko, Limbe and Buea in the Fako department will share 260 million FCFA. Buea town council has received 65 million FCFA to complete the rehabilitation of the road linking the village of Tole-Bwiyuku to Wonganga. This will facilitate the transport of agricultural produce to urban centres.

The municipality of Tiko has received 130 million FCFA to build a bridge at the Likomba roundabout in phase 1, which will link the Catholic Church to the Likomba market. This area has been a hot spot for accidents.

Limbé town council has received 65 million FCFA to rebuild the road leading from Chop Farm to the village of Bikolo.

Allocations to the Lebialem and Kupe Manenguba districts.

The commune of Alou in Lebialem has received 65 million FCFA to be used for various projects:

  • 20 million FCFA to repair a 2 km road from Letia to Njilap
  • 18 million FCFA to build a bridge
  • 18 million FCFA to build a bridge at Nwametaw
  • 9 million FCFA to build a market access road

Kupe Manenguba has been allocated 195 million FCFA. Bangem Council will use  65 million FCFA to build a road linking farms to the market, while Nguti Council will use 65 million FCFA to maintain the road between Etawang and Banyue.

Tombel Council will use 65 million FCFA to open a new farm-to-market road linking Ngab and Ndumei-Swene.

This investment in road infrastructure should improve transport, facilitate the movement of goods and people and stimulate economic activity in the South West region.

Delia Nyadi

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