Zegler has even signed on for other projects including playing “Snow White” in Disney’s live-action adaptation of the classic fairy-tale...

Born on May 3rd 2001 is the popular American actress and singer Rachel Anne Zegler. She was born in Hackensack, New Jersey. She was raised in Clifton, New Jersey in which she attended St. Phillip the Apostle Preparatory School and she later on attended the Catholic all-girls college-preparatory Immaculate Conception High School and she graduated high school by the year 2019.

Her debut in acting began by the 2016 as she started featuring in musicals while in High School. Musicals like “Beauty and the Beast
(2016) in which she played as Belle, “The Little Mermaid” (2017) in which she played Ariel, in 2018, she played as Dorothy Brock in “42nd Street”, and she played Princess Fiona in “Shrek the Musical” (2019). For all the four performances, she received

Metro Award nominations in the Actress in a Leading Role Category. She has equally acted in several other movies. She gained more recognition in the movie “West Side Story” (2021) where she got the Lead role through an opening cast call. Ever since then, she has been featuring in many more popular movies and acted alongside renowned actors. Zegler has   gained popularity on social media platforms like TikTok and YouTube, where she showcased her singing talent.

Zegler has even signed on for other projects including playing “Snow White” in Disney’s live-action adaptation of the classic fairy-tale. She will act alongside “Gal Gadot” as the Evil Queen. The movie is set to be released in 2024. She is also scheduled to cast to voice the lead character in animated musical movie “Spellbound a movie directed by Vicky Jenson to be released by 2024 as well. In the upcoming adaptation of the Hunger Games prequel, she will be playing the role of a heroine Lucy Gray Baird. she has lots of upcoming projects which will bring in more fame for her.

Zegler’s talent and rising star status have made her an exciting figure in the Hollywood entertainment industry.

Delia Nyadi

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