The recent movie « Barbie » directed by Greta Gerwig got banned and removed from the Lebanon Cinemas  on Wednesday 10th August 2023 by the country’s Authorities. The Lebanon Authorities gave a reason for banning this movie for they say it violates the nation’s  moral and religious values.

This decision became effective after the Minister of Culture, Mohammad Mortada delayed the release of the movie « Barbie » to late August for he said it went against the Country’s  Principles and Values. The minister also made mention of the fact that  the movie also “promotes sexual deviance and transsexuality,” by Lebanese state-run media on Wednesay,August 10th 2023 . “Sexual deviance”, is a term that is commonly used in the Middle East to make reference  to homosexuals.

Recently, Lebanon’s  Leader of Shiite Islamist Hezobollah Movement, Hassan Nasrallah referred to homosexuality as  a “sexual perversion” and identified the practice of Homosexuality   as a “threat” to Lebanon. In late July, Hassan Nasrallah launched a denunciation against Homosexuals in a speech marking Ashura, which commemorates the killing of the Hussain bin Ali, Prophet Mohammed’s grandson, in the 7th century. Nasrallah’s video lecture  and threats have led to online harassment and death threats against LGBTQ Community.

After Hassan’s video lecture and threat, the LGBTQ people reported an online harassment and death threats, Human Rights Watch confirmed  in a report.

Lebanon, a country that was well known for its Principles,Values and Social Liberalism  in East Africa has faced a serious crush on LGBTQ events and  the banning of the « Barbie » movie is an emergence of this trend.

Anti-LGBTQ emotionalism  is also on a  rise in Iraq, where the state media regulator on Tuesday 09th August 2023, issued a media ban of the words “homosexuality” and “gender,” declaring  it to be replaced with “sexual deviance.” The censorship is in effect for all media outlets, phone and internet companies. There was no penalty set for breaking the rule but a fine was alluded to. Still in Iraq, Rainbow flags have been burned in recent protests by Shiite Muslim groups in opposition to the Quran burnings in Denmark and Sweden.

The movie « Barbie » has perfectly done well since its release three weeks ago as its office-box success, has excelled $1 billion and it still has alot to achieve. The ban of this movie has kept question marks about  the rights and freedom of LGBTQ Community in Lebanon. Hopes are kept that the movie should not be banned in  Africa as a whole  and Homosexuality is an case to be reviewed in several countries around the world.

Delia Nyadi

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