The movie had its world premiere at Tribeca Festival on June 14th 2023...

The Perfect Find” is a 2023 American romantic comedy film written by Leigh Davenport and directed by Numa Perrier. The movie stars Gabrielle Union. Keith Powers, Aisha Hinds, D.B.Woodside, La La Anthony and Gina Torres.

The movie is based on the novel of the same name by Tia Williams. The movie follows the story of Jenna Jones, a successful but single fashion editor in New York city. When Jenna meets Eric, a younger man, she is initially hesitant about starting a relationship with him due to their age difference. However, as they spend more time together, Jenna begins to question her own dating preferences and societal expectations. As their connection deepens, Jenna must navigate the challenges of love, self-discovery, and finding the perfect balance between her career and personal life.

She begins dating Eric, but his mum is not in acceptance with the relationship and Jenna decides to leave Eric and start a different life. She thinks she has left Eric and forgotten about him just to discover that the result of the love they shared produced a baby. She has to call Eric and tell him she is pregnant but he is in shock needs time to process everything since it has been long, they spoke with each other. Eric’s mom pops up at Jenna’s house and though not happy, takes responsibility of Jenna since she is carrying her grandchild. The next scene is Jenna at the hospital for check up and Eric comes to support her they finally end up happy and back together.

The movie had its world premiere at Tribeca Festival on June 14th 2023, and was released on Netflix on June 23rd, 2023.

Delia Nyadi

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