The movie debuted out of competition as the closing film at the 76th Cannes Film Festival on May 7th, 2023...

Elemental” is a 2023 American computer-animated romantic-comedy- drama movie that was produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios and also distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. The movie was directed by Peter Sohn and produced by Denise Ream. It was written by Sohn, John Hoberg, Kat Likkel, and Brenda Hsueh, while Pete Docter served as Executive producer. The 27th feature film features the voices of Leah Lewis (Ember Lumen), Mamoudou Athie (Wade Ripple), Ronnie del Carmen (Bernie Ember’s father), Shila Ommi, Wendi Mc Lendon-Covey and Catherine O’Hara.

The Disney and Pixar’s latest movie, is set in a world where natural elements – earth, fire, water and air coexist. The story follows fire element Ember Lumen and water element Wade Ripple, who meet and fall in love after Wade is summoned by a plumbing accident at a convenience store owned by Ember’s father, Bernie. The movies went along as Ember though in love with Wade, is scared she will dry him off since water and heat cannot go but later on they tend to discover that they are each other’s solution and their union begins the story of their adventure. They even unite and rescue the fire quarter as it was almost drowned.

The movie debuted out of competition as the closing film at the 76th Cannes Film Festival on May 7th, 2023 and it was followed by a wide premiere on June 10th 2023 at Tribeca Festival. It got several premieres at different places and finally had its theatrical premiere on June 16th 2023.

The movie “Elemental” as of September 6th, 2023, it has grossed $153.7 million in the United States and Canada. It has also made $326.4 million in different zones and considering worldwide, it has made $480.2 million. In just a few months its success it alarming.

Delia Nyadi

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