The full cast of this movie includes : Tangye Bih, Efa Iwara, Stephanie Tum, Syriette Che, Gelam Dickson, Steve Fonkam, Tebo Njei, Claudio Oben,...

The movie “When the Leeves Broke” is a classic Cameroonian that was released in the year 2022 by the movie director “Musing Derick”. It starred people like “Stephanie Tum”, “Efa Iwara (Nigerian actor), “Musing Derick” himself and other actors.

The movie talks about, a creative and invisible Lawyer, known as Barrister Ngwe Fidel who finds herself mixed up in one of the largest schemes in her country. Will she adhere to her legal oath, do the right thing, or will she yield to her passions? She will then take decisions that will lead to a thunderous massacre when “The Leeves Broke”.

This movie has won and been nominated at lots of movie festivals. Some of these festivals include; “CAMIFF” (Cameroon International Film Festival), “Écrans Noirs Movie Festival”, “ZIFF” (Zanzibar International Film Fest), “TAFF” (African Film Festival), it was recently nominated at the “Sillicon Valley African Film Festival California, along with “The Planter’s Plantation” another Cameroonian movie to represent Cameroon at the festival. This movie has captured the minds of people as award nominations keep coming in.

The full cast of this movie includes : Tangye Bih, Efa Iwara, Stephanie Tum, Syriette Che, Gelam Dickson, Steve Fonkam, Tebo Njei, Claudio Oben, Sunshine Bos, Njang Mengu Collins, Nabil Fongod, Pamela Happi, Alenne Menget, Ndem Nora, Ngong Tatiana, and Musing Derick himself. These actors who make up the cast all contributed and participated in their own way and brought the movie to a success.

The movie has its own uniqueness and also that the director “Musing Derick” took his time to bring up such a work of art. With these masterpieces he has achieved, especially with his latest work the audience awaits another release.

Delia Nyadi

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